Programs & Services
Project Oasis Summer Program in Montclair, New Jersey, seeks to offer positive alternatives for the youth in the Township; where the only cost to Project Oasis summer participants is $10—which covers the cost of a program T-shirt. Project Oasis provides a safe, positive outlet for young people, for whom limited alternatives are available during the summer. Using education, recreation, and cultural awareness, Project Oasis seeks to bridge the gap between the adult and teenage population of the Township.
Project Oasis expanded to include a Winter Program which seeks to maintain and achieve the same goals of the summer program. Winter Oasis consists of academic focus. Subjects of study include Reading, Math, History, and General and World Literature. Classes are held, Monday through Thursday, weekly. Hours 4:00—6:00pm.
Project Oasis
Project Life
Project Life is committed and determined to provide the necessary tools and training to help prepare youth to work in today’s challenging society. With the support of Montclair Neighborhood Development Corporation, Project Life will be able to provide these services to help youth advance in the job workforce.
Montclair Neighborhood Development Corporation
goal is to Strengthen & Empower individuals and families, to enrich the lifelong development of youths and families; strengthen their relationship within the home, school and community; and provide an environment for sharing information, education, personal support, and empowerment.
Be The Difference
"It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find those who are willing to endure pain with patience."
- Julius Caesar
"Be of service. Whether you make yourself available to a friend or co-worker, or you make time every month to do volunteer work, there is nothing that harvests more of a feeling of empowerment than being of service to someone in need."/
- Gillian Anderson
Senior Corner
Our seniors are the foundation of our organization. The seniors impart wisdom and education to our youth. We provide, to our seasoned friends, a healthy, positive environment. Our friends with the help of our youth teams are introduced to activities, such as; healthy eating, fitness, dating tips, dance tips, the arts and on-line courses. Seniors are provided community resources and advocacy. The senior current event conversations are interesting, enlightening and provides a unique prospective.