Come & Mingle with MNDC!
Celebrate the holidays with an afternoon of jazz and refreshments at the MNDC Come & Mingle party. The festivities will take place on Sunday, December 4th from 3 - 6 p.m. at the Woman's Club of Upper Montclair, 200 Cooper Ave. We'll be honoring Mr. Ronald Bolandi, Interim Superintendent of the Montclair Public Schools as well as Mr. Israel Cronk, Executive Director of the Montclair Center Business Improvement District (BID).
We will sample delicious food provided by local restaurants Vital and Euro Barbeque. The cost to attend is $50. Pay online, at the door, or drop in at MNDC. We're also requesting that each attendee bring a new unwrapped toy. And don't forget to compete in our Ugly Holiday Sweater Contest.

About Ronald Bolandi

Ronald Bolandi has been operating as the Interim Superintendent of the Montclair Public Schools since April 2015. He recently was the Interim Superintendent in Bedminster Public Schools.
From 2011 to 2013, Bolandi served as Interim Superintendent of the Kearny Public Schools, and prior to that, as Interim Superintendent of Edison Township Public Schools, He was also the Superintendent in the East Windsor Regional School District from 2004-2010 before officially retiring. Prior to that he served in varous Superintendent positions in Tewksbury, Piscataway, Chester, Winslow Township, Middletown and Middlesex Borough.
He has extensive experience in finance, supervising budgets. He has also worked with staff to develop state-of-the-art programs that assist and improve direct instruction to enhance student achievement. In Piscataway, in conjunction with the teachers’ association, he developed a state recognized model staff development program which was replicated in East Windsor Regional School District.
His professional affiliations include New Jersey Association of School Administrators, American Association of School Administrators, Registered School Business Administrator International, New Jersey Association of School Business Administrators, American Association of School Business Administrators, and Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
About Israel Cronk
Mr. Cronk, a Montclair native, is the Executive Director of the Montclair Business Improvement District (BID). As Executive Director, Mr. Cronk is responsible for the management, operation, and administration of the Montclair Center BID’s operations, programs, events, initiatives and day-to-day activities under the overall management and direction of the BID’s Board of Directors. The district includes a wide variety of retail, service, restaurants, theaters, offices and other businesses covering a one-mile long area that surrounds Bloomfield Avenue running from the Montclair Art Museum on the west to Pine Street on the east.
Cronk has been a BID Board member since 2014, where he played a key role in organizing and marketing Fashion Night Out, the BID’s highly successful fashion event that took place at the Wellmont Theater, drawing over 500 people.