Community Service Block Grant
MNDC is funded primarily by the Community Service Block Grant, (CSBG), a federal fund administered by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Community Services. The fund provides assistance to state and local communities to alleviate poverty, revitalize communities and empower low-income families to become fully self-sufficient through a network of public and non-profit agencies. Most of these agencies are Community Action Agencies, created through the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964. This collaboration between MNDC and CSBG will change people's lives by being a visible expression of hope, and improving lives and communities to make them better and ultimately make our communities and America a better place to live. The CSBG is a commitment to helping people, families and communities. The primary focus of the CSBG is to assist MNDC in providing essential services that counter the causes of poverty for children, families and the elderly in our service area. CSBG funds are used to undertake a very broad range of activities, including linking and strengthening other anti-poverty programs and services.The CSBG Goals will be directed toward empowering low-income participants by providing the following services:
Volunteer Service to Community Action Programs
Youth at risk / Youth after school and summer Programs
Affordable Housing/Homelessness Prevention/Tenant Advocacy
Education/Training/Employment Readiness
Emergency Shelter
Energy Assistance
Financial Literacy
Food Pantry
Parental Development
Community Organizations and Partnerships
Client Referrals
Case Management
CSBG Board of Directors
One of the requirements of the CSBG program is the creation of a tripartite board of directors.The Board of Directors must fully participate in the development, planning, implementation and evaluation of the programs administered through the agency.The breakdown of the tripartite board is as follows:
One third of the board consists of elected public officials, holding office on the date of the selection, or their designated representatives.
One third is made up of low income individuals and families.They must be chosen by the democratic selection process and be representative of the individuals and families being served by the agency. If elected to represent a specific neighborhood, they must live in that neighborhood.
One third represents the private sector. They can be members or officials of: business, industry, labor, religious organizations, law enforcement, education or other community groups.
Did you know...

Social Services for the Homeless
MNDC receives Social Services for the Homeless (SSH) funds through the New Jersey Department of Human Serivces. We use these funds to assist individuals and/or families who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless through no fault of their own, and are ineligible to receive Emergency Assistance under the Division of Family Development's public assistance programs.
SSH can pay for emergency food or a motel or shelter stay for a limited amount of time. It also can provide rental, mortgage, utility, and security deposit assistance. This program, which operates on a 24-hour emergency basis, also includes referral services and limited case management.
CDBG Grant Helps Fund Two Important Programs
MNDC was the recipient of a CDBG grant for 2017 in the amount of $20,000. This grant will enable us to expand the MNDC Project Oasis Winter Program which includes the 4H - STEM program.
The grant will also partially fund MNDC's newest program: the "The Maya Angelou Project." This is a structured support and literary program for 10 - 12-year-old girls that will enable them to share their experiences in a safe, healthy environment through role playing, journal writing, drama, dance, art, and a reading and writing group. All activities will address a theme such as, Being A Girl, Trusting Yourself, Friendships, Body Image, Conflict Resolution and more.
We believe that when girls voice their ideas and opinions, it strengthens their confidence and self esteem and encourages them to express themselves more fully. It also gives them greater awareness of their options and strengthens their ability to make choices that are consistent with their values, interests and talents.
Our goals for the program are to create a comfortable, safe environment, provide support for the girls through positive conversations, increase their involvement within the community, improve their communication and leadership skills, teamwork, life-long learning and goal setting. Of course, snacks will be provided to the participants.
To download our registration form, click here.
United Way Awards Grant to MNDC
The United Way of Northern New Jersey recently awarded MNDC with a grant of $7,500 in 2017 for our Project Life program. This will help us administrate this important program that helps ready our youth to have productive futures in their chosen careers.
In the winter months, students attend classes to learn about business, entrepreneurial skills, financial literacy, résumé writing, dressing for success, business plans, and more. In the summer, they get to put all that knowledge to use by working for one of our employers. Last year, students worked for the Montclair Library, the Salvation Army, Davis Integrated Medicine, and the Montclair Art Museum to name a few.
Thank you, United Way!