MNDC Welcomes New Partner: Reaching Out - Montclair
MNDC is always looking to add new services so they can help reach even more people in need. In 2016, they began partnering with Reaching Out - Montclair after hearing how founders Garth and Madeline Guthrie were sucessfully reaching the Hispanic community with compassion (see below for more information on Madeline). And now they have formalized their relationship, bringing Reach Outing - Montclair under their auspices as a subsidiary, located at One Lackawanna Plaza, Montclair. (read more)
Meet our Newest Staff Member
Now that Reach Out - Montclair is a subsidiary of MNDC, we'd like to introduce founder Madeline Guthrie as the newest addition to the MNDC staff. She is serving as an Assistant Social Worker and bi-lingual translator.
Given Madeline's awareness of the needs of the Hispanic community in Montclair, (read more)

CDBG Grant Helps Fund Two Important Programs
MNDC was the recipient of a CDBG grant for 2017 in the amount of $20,000. This grant will enable us to expand the MNDC Project Oasis Winter Program which includes the 4H - STEM program.The grant will also partially fund MNDC's newest program: the "The Maya Angelou Project." This is a structured support and literary program for 10 - 12-year-old girls that will enable them to (read more)

Our Seniors Get Discounted Tickets to NJPAC
It's true. Seniors in Montclair can now get access to select performances at NJPAC for free. Yes, you heard right. Free! Offered by MNDC through the NJPAC President's Fund for Community Engagement, interested persons should contact the Do Drop In staff or Elaine Spears for details.

The Power of Story
Montclair runs deep in Marilyn Jacobs’ blood. Born and bred in the township, she is a 3rd generation Montclairian. In fact, if you go to Glenfield Park, you may see the Owens/Catching Suite – it’s named after her grandfather, Richard Owens, who founded the Glenfield Taskforce. Marilyn credits him for instilling in her the value of civic responsibility, asking her repeatedly how she planned to work out this role in life. She certainly took his example to heart because... (read more)
ESL Program Starting!
MNDC - Reaching Out Montclair is taking registrations for their new ESL Program running from May 30 - July 20 from 7 - 8:30 at the Glenfield School on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Certified teachers will teach classes for level 1 through 3. To register, call Madeline Guthrie at 862-485-8470.
Scholarships available for Wee Kicker Soccer
The soccer season is upon us and MNDC, in partnership with FC Futbol Foundation, is offering scholarships for children ages 3-10 for Saturday Soccer: Wee Kickers program. The focus is on fun — maximizing touches and developing confidence, creativity and freedom through play during this 5-week program. To register, contact Elaine Spears at 973-744-9094.
Register for the Back 2 School Store
It's time to register for the Back 2 School Store so elementary children can have all the gear they need come the new school year. Sponsored by the National Council of Jewish Women in Essex County, this program provides economically disadvantaged Essex County elementary school children with clothing, school supplies and other necessities. A personal shopper will accompany each child through the "store" helping him or her choose items that reflect their style and favorite color. This allows children to focus on learning with the self-esteem and enthusiasm that comes with having what they need for school.
The event will take place on Sunday, July 30th at B'nai Shalom, 300 Pleasant Valley Way in West Orange. Click here for more information. To register, please complete our application.
MNDC's youth employment program with the mission of preparing young people for the world of work through classroom instruction during the winter and spring months and internships during the summer months.
MNDC has created Project Oasis as a means to facilitate varying aspects of development for the disadvantaged youths of Montclair; partnering through education, recreation, cultural awareness and self empowerment.